Are you planning to buy night vision binoculars? Binoculars are actually two telescopes placed side by side so a viewer can see through them with both eyes.
But most of the binocular models available in the market can only help you to see distant objects during the day. Most pocket binoculars sport a double-folding design and an attached carrying case. But the optical surfaces still need protection from scratches and other damage.
If you will be staying in one spot for a period of time then it might be to your advantage to consider mounting the binoculars on a tripod which would free up both hands and not require you to find the viewing area, refocus, and keep steady each time you pick them up. A great benefit with buying from specialist telescope sellers is that they can give you advice about what telescope is best. Waterproof construction eliminates potential damage due to wet conditions.
When deciding to buy a telescope, ask yourself, how much room you have to house to telescope and what things do you want to look at with your telescope, deep space, local or both? Sometimes you can buy a great pair of binoculars on the Internet cheaper than in the stores.