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Saturday, May 17, 2008

mk 32 binoculars - get the right pair the first time

Binoculars magnify the image of a distant object so that it looks much closer than it actually is. Binoculars are two identical telescopes placed side-by-side that are designed to point accurately in the same direction.

Waterproof and fog-proof binoculars are now available. The small binoculars are available for general use. For astronomy use you will need at least 40mm aperture and preferably larger.

Objects will appear brighter with wider lenses. Binocular lens protectors have to be used when not using them. When choosing binoculars, decide if the model you are examining feel comfortable while holding the binoculars to your eyes.

Binocular lens protectors drive water off the lens surface of both objective lenses and eyepieces, helping eliminate glare caused by water droplets. They can be extended or retracted as needed. Galactic clouds and star clusters look dim when viewed by the naked eye, but with binoculars they are much clearer.

There are binoculars that cost under ten dollars and others which cost in excess of twenty five hundred. You want to look for lightweight, tough, comfortable ones with clarity.

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