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Monday, June 15, 2009

east german binoculars the easy way

Most night-vision binoculars are used by security personnel. Since the light has been refracted, or bent as it has been directed through the lenses, by the time the viewer sees the image it is back to front, and upside-down.

Kids use binoculars as toys and as learning devices. For some people, astronomy will be a fun hobby, but for some dedicated people, they soon pick up the drive, and buy a telescope which is suited for astronomy and looking at objects in the night sky. If you go over 10x, you should consider getting a tripod.

If your binoculars are going to be used during low light like hunting and astronomy, you had better have large objective lenses. One should consider the ergonomics of one's choice. Waterproof construction eliminates potential damage due to wet conditions.

Those new to the game should consider obtaining a pair of binoculars that posses a large field of view. The question how to buy a telescope is not a big one, more what you want out of the telescope.

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